Q1-What are components of stress & give account on stress reaction ?
Q2-What's ment by stress mediators & explain cognitive appraisal & coping resources?
Q3- Explain the basis for managing stress?
Q4- Define intelligence , it's types & explain IQ ?
Q5- What's ment by constancy of intelligence& difference ( ) dementia & mental retardation?
Q6- Types of intelligence , tests & clinical uses?
Q7-mention methods of learning?
Q8- factors affecting learning?
Q9- what's Def. of personality , components & freud structural model of personality?
Q10- assessment of personality?
Q11- Memorizing (encoding)?
Q12- Define forgetting & explain causes of it?
Q13- types of memory?
Q14- def. attention & relation ( ) attention & consciousness?
Q15-Perception Def. & nature?
Q16- faulty perceptions?
Q17- motivation Def. & classification?
Q18- disorders of thinking ?
Q19-cycles & stages of sleep?